Cluse Watch Review

In the months leading up to my birthday last year, Peter must have asked me the million dollar question a hundred times: “What do you want for your birthday?” Usually I reply with something like: “Oh I don’t need anything!” (very unhelpful), but instead I hit the review sites and started researching watches. Watches are…

Harmony & Happiness

“Happiness exists on earth, and it is won through prudent exercise of reason, knowledge of the harmony of the universe, and constant practice of generosity.” – Jose Marti As a human being, I’ve always felt an inherent need for peace and harmony. I find it difficult when I know that I’ve offended or upset someone,…

Chit Chat

As I sit here with my (almost cold) cup of tea, a pile of work to my left and a flickering eucalyptus candle to my right, I feel like turning around to my work mates and having a quick pick-me-up chat. The only problem with working from home is the lack of office culture. Working from…

Freelance Writing

Just before my 23rd birthday, I sat down and wrote a blog post all about being 22. It was a huge year for me – newly married, moving to Melbourne, joining a new church, making new friends and starting my career as a journalist. It was fun, scary, hard and honestly, a bit miserable at times….

Favourite Summer Outfits

I’m not much of a fashion blogger, but I would be lying if I said I’d never thought about including a fashion tab at the top of my blog. Something about fashion posts have always made me feel materialistic and shallow, but the more I think about it, the more I think we can outwardly…

Being a Planner

In my experience, planners are either short-term checklist-ers, long term bucket list-ers, or non planners who find freedom in lack of planning –  and if you fall under that last category, I tip my hat to you! I’ve certainly never been that person. I’ve always wished I was better at short term planning, which is one of the reasons…

Reflections on Easter Sunday

Today I spoke to somebody who told me that if they spoke about the fact that they loved Jesus in their home country, they and their family would not only be oppressed – they would be executed. As a young woman living in Australia, with the freedom to love my heavenly father freely and openly, this…

Coffee Table Cookbooks

They say not to judge a book by its cover, but some books are just too pretty to keep tucked away in a book case. I’ve read a lot of books over the years, and recently I’ve been getting into cookbooks in a big way – and while I’d love to be that person with…

Decorating on a Budget

I love making a space my own. I entered a competition the other day where I had to answer a question. The question was something like ‘Tell us what makes your home a home’. In an enthusiastic attempt to win a pretty homewares and decorating book, I wrote this: I never truly understood what home…


I found myself deep in a YouTube rabbit hole recently. The kind where you’re watching a video and see something interesting pop up in the side bar… so you click it, and then click another link, and another, until you’re binge watching videos on a topic that didn’t exist in your world until three hours earlier. Maybe I’ve…