My Writing Journey

I suppose it all starts with books. Sometimes I find it really hard to read good books. I went through a period of a couple of years in high school where I would get no further than two or three pages into a novel before closing the cover and opening my laptop to start my own creative venture. Words naturally inspire me – I can’t get enough of them. The idea of stringing sentences together to create a feeling or a sense of place boggles my mind. This all being said, I honestly believe that writing is something that can be learned, and something that we have to fight for if we believe in the power of words.

As a young kid, I loved creativity and I loved stories. Apparently I had memorised my favourite book (including where to turn the pages and what words to accent) before I turned two. I couldn’t get enough of dolls or ‘make believe’ games, and I loved making up characters and giving my toys unique names.

I guess my love of stories and spelling abilities led my school to believe that they should advance me in English classes. When I was in Kinder, Year 1 and 2 they would send me to the next year group to learn the harder concepts. I loved the fact that they considered me ‘smart’ enough to learn with the bigger kids. Even at this early age I took a great deal of pride in my work, and their affirmation was so encouraging. One day they called myself and another girl into a room. They commended her on her efforts and told her she could continue ‘going up’ for English and then turned to me and said, ‘sorry Lauren but you’re going to stay in Year 2 English for now. I don’t think you’re ready for this yet.’ I remember saying, ‘I think I am’ (an assertiveness that still surprises me) but she shook her head and opened the door for me.

It seems like such a petty thing, but being given an opportunity and then having that opportunity stripped from you is discouraging and it was damaging for my confidence. When I was in Year 7, we had the opportunity to place ourselves in a top, middle or low class. I selected the top class with every bit of confidence that I had, and I was later told that my Year 6 teacher, who I loved, had suggested that they put me in the middle class. This time, I fought for it and I approached the head of the English department – albeit, entering her office in a complete mess of tears, explaining that I was good enough. After some consideration, she agreed to let me in and I never looked back. Her belief in me spurred me on, and I decided that I was going to be the best student in her class. I’m not sure if I was – but I honestly believe that my journey with writing begun here, with her confidence in me. I went on to complete Extension 2 English in my HSC, and scored in the top 2% of students in the state. As a disclaimer, I don’t mention this to brag. I mention this because I honestly believe that success in your passions is a choice, and writing is one of my biggest and longest running passions.

I went into university to do a Communication and Media Studies degree, and within the first semester it was clear to me that I wanted to major in Journalism. The idea of getting paid to write is amazing to me, and the multitude of online resources that are around these days mean that I get to publish my own written content for free. This is such a blessing!

These days, I still write. I write for my university magazine, I write short stories, longer stories (though most of them are unfinished), blogs, diaries, lengthy letters and I’ve even had the opportunity to write news bulletins for my local radio station. Last year, two friends and I also started an online based magazine called Winsome, which you can check out by clicking these links to our website and Facebook page if you’d like to.

As I mentioned in my previous post, it’s good to be proud of your achievements and as silly as it sounds, it’s important to be actively passionate about your passions! I challenge you to write your own post about your journey with writing, if you blog. It’s great to reflect on our journeys and see where we’ve come from, and acknowledge (even if only to ourselves!) the people who have encouraged us along the way. If you do write a post, link it in the comments below or tag it with ‘My Writing Journey’! I’d love to read it.

— Lauren x

P.s. As a side note, I’d just like to mention that to this day I have incredibly fond memories of my school experience. I think everyone looks back at certain moments in their schooling and thinks, ‘mmm I didn’t like that’, but I have to admit that 99% of mine was absolutely wonderful! I wouldn’t change it for the world.

14 Comments Add yours

  1. imogenmcp says:

    I love this post 🙂 glad you had the courage to stand up for your potential!

    1. Lauren says:

      Thank you! It feels funny standing up for yourself sometimes (and it’s definitely something I struggle with at times) but looking back at situations like this makes me feel like it’s really worthwhile! I love your blog by the way 🙂 x

      1. imogenmcp says:

        Aww thanks, lovely! 🙂

        I definitely don’t have the drive to do that, but after reading this I think I’m going to try harder to have faith in my ability! Onwards and upwards! 😀 x

  2. lovessiamese says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this. You are right, confidence in the abilities God gives us can spur us on. I’ve wanted to be a writer since I learned to read. My story, unfortunately, has been of the negative variety so I still struggle with confidence, even though I’ve had two novels published. So keep inspiring others to follow their career passion. Will check out your web-zines. Have a great day!

    1. Lauren says:

      Thank you for sharing a little piece of your story as well! I’m sorry for your negative experiences – having two books published is such an amazing achievement though! I’d love to work in the publishing industry in the future and hopefully some day publish a book. What are the names of your books?

      I hope you have a great day too!

  3. Love this! And I love reading your posts 🙂

    1. Lauren says:

      Thanks Olivia! Your blog is absolutely beautiful as well by the way – I found your most recent post really encouraging. I hope you’re having a lovely day 🙂 x

  4. realchange4u says:

    I have never thought much about writing Lauren. I really thought my wife would. She had a early interest in writing children stories. So I encouraged her and purchased resources for her to do so. At this date she has written no stories. I still have hope she will. She is very intelligent and more than capable of writing.
    Me now thats another story all together. I never approached writing as a way to reach people with a fictional or non fictional story. I knew nothing about it and did not have a desire to learn. I did however have a deep calling on my heart to give hope and inspiration to anyone that was struggling with anything and needed direction.
    I have never considered myself a religious person. I was raised in church and taken to church it seemed like seven day’s a week. So when I got out on my own I begin a life of turning over rocks and living life wild and large. Rebellion, no I don’t think so. Just a curious boy from Arkansas that had never been out in the world.
    Fast forward to my life today. I sowed my wild oats as they say and returned to the way I was raised. Only not so religious ,but hammering out my own salvation and relationship with God on a different plane than I was raised. I certainly had plenty of qualifications being a wild child and all.

    I love the Lord and at sixty one years of age, I am really still learning about God. I am still hungry to let the Lord have his way with me. More so now than in my younger years. I have lost a lot and suffered much. I have also caused my own share of misery to others.
    This being said I felt God was calling me to reach folks like me. Young and old male and female, child and adult. I do this at his prompting mostly. I rarely say what I want to say. Only what he lays on my heart and mind.
    There are many folks out there hurting and confused and broken. I want to be a part of the solution for their healing and restoration. I have been restored and healed and wow! it is so much better. So naturally I want others to experience the same. So I guess I tell stories of a sort. Mostly I share and pray and try to encourage and point in the right direction.

    I can tell you this, blogging has opened a new world to me of some of the most precious folks I have ever had the pleasure of reading about. It is amazing the love and talent that is out there. Why buy a novel . I love to read the stories and poems, mostly I like the love and companionship though.

    Much Love Tom

    1. Lauren says:

      Thanks for sharing Tom. That sounds like a great journey – I hope your wife gets to write those books as well! I agree about blogging. It’s an amazing platform to share and encourage.

  5. I adore writing as well, though I want to go into counseling. But my fingers have always itched for the keys on my computer, and that’s why I started this blog.

  6. Lauren says:

    Counselling would be such an amazing job. I love how writing can be ‘self-counselling’ in a way – it helps me make so much sense of my thoughts, and seems to simplify issues and situations for me. I hope you get to go into your chosen career! x

  7. Wow Lauren, what an encouragement you are to me. I have read many of your post and I cannot explain the love and connection I have had with them. You have such an unique style of writing. You are the type of friend I wish I had at the moment.

    I love writing. Like you have said, writing is really a way of ‘self-counseling.’ Writing poems is the way I express my feelings and what I am going through. I feel like writing is a gift The Lord has blessed me with. I am surely not the best writer but again, like you said, if it’s my passion I really need to pursue it.

    I have been going through a lot lately involving school. I have also been keeping a lot of it stored up which is even worse. God is the only one who I have been talking to about all the stuff I have had to deal with. Of course He already knows everything but I don’t want to go to anyone else and be judged.

    Anyways, your posts have encouraged me a lot and thank you for that. 🙂 God Bless.

    Savanna |

  8. uturnstars says:

    When you know that you know that you’re supposed to write, don’t let anything stop you!

    When I was two or three, I remember getting a tiny cardboard book that must have been from a Happy Meal. I couldn’t read the words, but that didn’t stop me from turning the pages to look at the pictures and making up my own story. I was blessed to know early on that writing was my calling.

    It’s awesome to hear how different people discovered that writing was their thing. Thanks for sharing your journey with the masses. And thanks for giving me an idea for another blog post!

  9. themagnifyingglass96 says:

    I really enjoyed reading this post, I could feel your passion through every word I read. Please keep writing and never let go of your passions! 🙂

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