About Me


About Me

I’m Lauren – a young wife and journalist living in Melbourne, Australia. I’m a passionate Christian, a lover of chai tea and a keen writer of blogs, feature pieces and short stories. Thanks for stopping by this little corner of the internet! If you would like to see more of my writing, head to www.wordsofwinsome.com.

100 Comments Add yours

  1. Thank you for following my blog. I started to write after the death of our 20 year old son Andrew. Although, he is not really dead! He is more alive now than he ever was on earth. He is seeing the Creator FACE-TO-FACE! I rejoice in knowing that.

    1. Lauren says:

      Hi Kathleen,

      Thank you for your comment and for coming to look at my blog! I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve lost a son. I lost a friend this year who was also 20 – it’s such a hard thing to come to terms with this loss, but finding joy and hope in God even when we’re not happy is such a wonderful thing. I’m so grateful to hear other people like yourself rejoicing through hardship because death has been defeated! How amazing to have the hope that we’ll all be reunited in Christ some day. Thank you for sharing your hope here!

      – Lauren x

  2. Mikey says:

    Hi Lauren.
    I wanted to stop by and to personally thank you for following my blog “Hiseternalword”. What a nice blog you have. I look forward to reading more of your posts later on.


  3. Stephanie Meier says:

    Hello Lauren! Thank you for the follow. Be blessed. 🙂

  4. Nancy Petro says:

    Hi Lauren,
    Thank you for following my blog, Good Sunday morning! I have posted on the blog 81 consecutive Sundays as a means of prompting dialogue under the topic umbrella, “Sunday musings on faith and life’s journey.” I like your blog and look forward to reading more of your posts.


  5. Hello, Lauren! Thanks so much for following me at I Live Because He Lives. I truly enjoyed looking through your blog – your posts are written with such a genuine and Spirit-filled voice. Best of wishes with your studies and all your creative endeavors.
    God bless,

  6. kanzensakura says:

    Thank you for finding my blog and for following! What a lovely blog you have. Mine is a mishmash but I hope you visit often and feel welcomed and find something you like. I don’t do texting so I am doing something else to spread the word…God’s Not Dead! 🙂

  7. Thanks for following our Sunday School blog. We pray that you’ll continue to return for The Lion of Judah. Blessings ~ Ta`Mara

  8. Lauren … great blog you have here. Keep that young, energetic spirit going. You don’t know how many people you’ve inspired and will inspire throughout your lifetime. Godbless and Godspeed.

  9. TanGental says:

    It is simply sweet that you follow a crusty old atheist like me. I hope my little blog offers you some fun and insights.

  10. olivevienna says:

    Hi Lauren!Thank you for following my blog. You seem be so sweet and such a positive person.I love your blog.God bless you.

  11. sheridursin says:

    Lauren, thanks so much for following my blog. Just signed up to follow yours and looking forward to reading your posts. Very cool since I lived in Australia for six months when I was in college!

  12. qcprincess says:

    Hey I nominated you for the Sisterhood of The World Bloggers Award 🙂 http://qcprincess.com/2014/09/22/sisterhood-of-the-world-bloggers-award/

  13. Thank you so much for coming to read my blog. You sound delightful!

  14. karen says:

    Hi Lauren! Thanks for the follow. Your blog looks lovely and I will look forward to reading your posts as well. May God richly bless you!

  15. Paardje says:

    Oh, nothing … I’m the 100th person to like this page? Didn’t I just agree that God has a sense of humor? 🙂

  16. Ann Marie Thomas says:

    Thanks for following my blog, hope it inspires you!

  17. Good Morning!
    The name of your blog is perfect for your sweet posts! I am enjoying them!! I nominated you for an award. You can read about it in my post here:
    Blessings!!! Betty

  18. thatssojacob says:

    Hey there Lauren, just tuned in. Your blog seemed interesting, so I gave you a follow. Come check out what’s on my mind over at http://www.thatssojacob.wordpress.com. Have a good day and hope to see you around soon!

  19. newkeybeauty says:


  20. Debb Stanton says:

    Hi Lauren! Glad you found one of my blogs and followed it. Thank you! Do you know, some of my best friends are Aussies! 🙂 I love your blog because it is fun, and also because you love Jesus too.

  21. Thanks much for the follow!

  22. rwardyn says:

    Wow, you follow a lot of blogs! 🙂 Thank you for following me, especially since I’m just starting our on this. God bless!

  23. pj says:

    Thanks for the follow and for sharing Jesus! Am following you now and look forward to reading your site! Blessings.

  24. **Please do no approve the previous comment! I placed the wrong link to my page…thanks!
    Here you go: I have nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award! To accept, please see my post at http://thegrizzlegrist.wordpress.com/

  25. Thank you so much for following my blog. I’m not sure how you came across mine, but I’m so glad you did because now I’ve gotten the pleasure of being blessed by reading yours. 🙂 Many blessings, Paige from Tales from the Laundry Room (www.talesfromthelaundryroom.com)

  26. Will says:

    Hi Lauren, I am enjoying your joyful writing! Thanks for visiting me.

  27. Hi Lauren! Thank you for following me, I’m really just a beginner blogger, thanks for appreciating my writing. I also like your writing, so much better than mine! Stay blessed! 🙂

  28. Reb says:

    Hi Lauren,
    A beautifully written ‘About Me’. Look forward to reading more about you and your ‘simply sweet’ moments 🙂

  29. kimmy120194 says:

    Hi Lauren,

    I just wanted to thank you for your posts. I love reading your blog. I’m glad that I came across your blog.

    God Bless

  30. Merryn says:

    I enjoy reading your blog and have nominated you for a Liebster Award. No obligation to participate, but if you are interested, you can find the post here: https://humbleheartscribbles.wordpress.com/2014/12/24/a-liebster-award/

  31. kkoterwski says:

    I love your blog!

    I was going through my list of followers/ those I am following and got particularly excited when I came across yours! I have some quick news to share about the Human Ponderings Blog:

    You are a current and valued follower of the Human Ponderings Blog, because of this I want to inform you of some changes happening to the blog…

    The Human Ponderings blog has a new home- http://www.humanponderings.com WordPress has served me so well and I am so grateful for the friends, followers, and interactions I have gained there- however by making Human Ponderings into it’s own site I have much more control and access over the blog which will allow Human Ponderings to (hopefully) grow in wonderful new directions!

    Thank you for your time!
    As a fellow blogger I would appreciate it if you could take a brief moment to explore the new website (still under construction but mostly done and open for public viewing) and perhaps provide some feedback!

    Thanks for all you write! I love it! Have a marvelous day!

  32. Hi Lauren. It’s nice to meet you.

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